95% of the ground by cuchi and much of southern vietnam is clay. this explains how they wee able to make such a vast network of tunnels (over 200km worth) capable of keeping people alive for weeks at a time. some of them even had entrances under the water. here is a set of steps carved into the ground....

this is what they called a "spider hole". not used as a trap, this is how the vietkong actually got in and our of their tunnels.... i am not joking.

this is one of the many traps the vietkong used against the americans. they cover the hole siwht leaves, a poor unsuspecting recently drafted 20 year old steps on the small circular device at the top, then his foot falls and the blades go straight into his leg. it saddens me to think about whoever experienced this. some of the others were worse...

here i am inside of a recreation of the tunnels in cu chi. there was a lot of fighting here (if the picture of the US tank above didnt give you that idea), the actual tunnels were about half this size...

these are real babies whose mother was exposed to agent orange.

this is a picture of a vietnamese citizen who was unfortunate enough to encounter an american phosphorus bomb. sad...

this was an american tank that got blown up, its remnants there to serve as a reminder to us all.

here i am standing at a gun turret. you can call me rambo. check out the video below...
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